Lowongan Kerja Jayapura November 2013 Terbaru - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru . Kabar gembira untuk anda yang berdomisili di Jayapura dan sekitarnya bahwa telah dibuka Lowongan Kerja Jayapura November 2013 Terbaru . Untuk anda yang tertarik dengan informasi loker terbaru ini silahkan baca info lengkapnya tentang syarat, perusahaan, posisi yang dibutuhkan, dan tanggal penutupannya dibawah ini. Jika anda tertarik dengan loker terbaru November 2013 tersebut silahkah langsung mendaftar melalui email yang tertera sebelum waktu pendaftaran ditutup.
AusAID funded HIV Cooperation Program for Indonesia
Position based in Jayapura
GRM International in collaboration with the Burnet Institute is the managing contractor for the HIV Cooperation Program for Indonesia (HCPI), the largest component of the Australia Indonesia Partnership for HIV.
HCPI is seeking applications from suitably qualified individuals for the position of Grants Officer Papua. The position will be locally engaged and based in Jayapura. Under the direction of the Office Manager Papua and Finance Director, the Grants Officer will be responsible for:
Effective management of all contracts with partner organisations including maintaining contractual records such as receipt and control of all correspondence, contact information sheets, contractual changes and status reports.
Delivering training and mentoring to project partners in financial management and in particular of HCPI grant funds.
Maintaining appropriate computer based and other records necessary for the running of the project partner’s grants program.
Assessing financial proposals from project partners.
Assisting in developing and applying standard costs for activities covered under the grants program.
Conducting due diligence checks of project partners including assessing organisations’ financial management capacity to utilise funds in a transparent and effective manner.
Checking acquittals and reports from project partners for review by Finance Director.
Assist with procurement related to grant funds, and with financial management of grants.
Coordinate with Finance Director for contract close-out, extension or renewal.
Maintaining communications with technical teams and partners and HCPI Jakarta office.
Interested candidates for the position should have the following qualifications and experience:
S1 in Accounting or equivalent qualification
Proven experience and skills working with computer-based finance packages, and spreadsheet and database software (MS Office)
Demonstrated experience working with grants programs
Proven ability to work efficiently and effectively in a busy office environment
Demonstrated ability to work under pressure both as a team member and independently
Excellent oral and written communication skills and experience in providing financial training programs
Native or professional working proficiency in both Bahasa Indonesia and English
To register your interest, please submit a cover letter addressing the essential criteria and CV to recruitment@hcpi.or.id
PT. BNI Life Insurance, perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat dan bergerak dalam bidang Asuransi Jiwa membutuhkan profesional yang dinamis, trampil dan memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk ditempatkan pada posisi:
Wilayah Papua
Kualifikasi :
Pendidikan Minimal S1,Any Major
Pengalaman Minimal 2 tahun di perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa / Financial
Sehat Jasmani
Laki – laki / Perempuan.Minimal 27 tahun, Maksimal 35 tahun
Persyaratan Behavior
Berpenampilan menarik
Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
Target Oriented
Bhs. Inggris Aktif
Kemampuan Komunikasi baik
Mengerti konsep dasar Asuransi Jiwa
Mengerti teknik presentasi dengan baik
Menguasai power point
Kirimkan lamaran dan CV terbaru anda ke alamat email kami (maks. 2MB) :
Itulah tadi pembaca setia informasi Lowongan Kerja Jayapura November 2013 Terbaru yang admin berikan untuk anda semua, informasi tadi adalah loker terbaru dan tentunya ada batas waktu pendaftaran. Segera kirimkan aplikasi anda sebelum pengumuman lowker ini di tutup, semoga anda diterima di perusahaan terbaik yang anda inginkan, sukses untuk anda.
Lihat Juga : Info Lowongan Kerja Denpasar Bali November 2013
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